Tuesday, 5 October 2010

Monsters Inc opening sequence

the opening sequence begins with an introduction to the companies involved in the film, which are Pixar and Disney. As the film starts these companies are re-introduced within the theme of the film using certain effects and animation. an example of a company involved in the production below.

after the opening titles the film kicks in with the characters and their jobs and roles within the film, and begins to set the scene and relates to the title of the film as a company and main location for the film, this is the scaring factory.

introduction to two main characters of the film
We then are given an insight into the plot of the film, a main crisis is shown as a shortage of energy provided by children's screams, this hooks the viewer as the target audience would be children of a similar age as some shown in the film.

The two main characters are brought in at an every day situation where they are waking up and going to work. They are shown to have a good relationship with each other and other characters of the film, by the way they act we know that they are the 'good guys'. by their appearance i.e big, fluffy and colourful, they are made loveable to the audience.                     

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